

May 19 announcements

 Rick Naron’s memorial service was Saturday, May 18. Please
remember his family.

 Keith Smith (Carolyn Ashcraft’s brother) is home recuper-
ating from surgery.

 Roger Harris is having health problems and undergoing tests.
 Brad Tolbert - Continue to pray for him as he undergoes
 Judy Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) PET scan was all clear.
 Jamie Edwards (Fern Baker’s brother-in-law) Scan showed
that cancer is in remission.
 Becky Colvin is at home recuperating from a kidney stone
 Jerry Tolbert (Brad’s Dad) has prostate cancer.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright.
 Continue to remember Rita Stiles.
 Continue to remember Acacia May (Becky Rice’s niece).

 Andy Boykin needs prayers concerning his cancer treat-

 Lathan Stringer was badly injured in a bull riding accident.