

Will You Not Tell It Today?

One of the first encounters we read about in John’s account of the gospel is with two

disciples questioning Jesus as to where He was staying (John 1:35-39). The immediate response

of Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother (v. 40) was to find his brother and tell him they had found the

Messiah (v. 41). The next day, Jesus called for Philip to follow Him, and then Philip found

Nathanael and told him of Jesus (vss. 43-45). The Samaritan woman, having spoken with Jesus,

immediately tells the townspeople of her visit with Him (John 4). And so it goes throughout the

gospel account and history of the church.

The apostle Peter charged Christians to follow in the steps of Jesus (1 Peter 2:21- 24). We

often use that verse to challenge us to walk in purity and righteousness, but have we missed a

vital part of His walk? Jesus stated very clearly, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to

save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Are we about saving the lost or have we become quite

content to worship from week to week, live a “good” life and then feel that we have walked in

the steps of Jesus?

I remember growing up singing songs that challenged us to seek the lost: “We’ll Work

till Jesus Comes”, “Work, for the Night is Coming”, “Seeking the Lost”, and “Rescue the

Perishing”. Sadly, those songs are not heard much anymore. In fact, some of these songs have

been removed from our songbooks. I wonder why? Could it be that we have lost our interest in

reaching out to the lost? Are we so wrapped up in ourselves and our own pursuits that we no

longer have time to “seek the lost”. That is why Jesus came and is the same charge given to us,

handed down by the apostles (Mt. 28:19-20).

Another song I have not heard for ages goes something like this:

If the souls all around you are living in sin,

if the Master has told you to bid them come in,

If the sweet invitation they never have heard,

O will you not tell them the cheer bringing word?

Is there not someone today that you know that needs to hear of the saving gospel of Jesus

Christ? Has the name of Jesus and His love lost its appeal with you? Have we forgotten how His

presence has brought joy and hope to our lives? If He has changed your life, will you not tell of

your gladness today? ~P. Mowrer P.O