

The Lord is My Shepherd!

Throughout this past week or two as I have tried to share words of comfort and
encouragement, I have found myself looking at and using some of the same Bible passages.
These verses range from words of Jesus to His apostles as He prepares them for His crucifixion
and eventually His ascension into heaven, to the apostle Paul sharing words of comfort to the
church in Thessalonica regarding their concern for those who had passed from life. I find
comfort in these verses as they focus my thinking about our eternal resting place.
I also find myself returning to the thoughts David shared in the 23rd Psalm. This psalm may
very well be the most used psalm at funerals today, because it does bring so much comfort to
those grieving (and perhaps a psalm we are most familiar with). But as I look at the psalm, I am
also reminded that even in afflictions that you and I may face in our lives from time to time, the
Lord is still our Shepherd and can be depended on to guide us through life’s storms. We may
grow comfortable and content with the Shepherd making us to lie down in green pastures and
leading beside still waters, but what about those really difficult times in life? We may forget that
David was very aware that the Lord was with him even in the valley of the shadow of death and
that His rod and staff would bring comfort. The more I think on David’s psalm, the more I am
convinced that each of us face “dark” valleys in life and we need to remind ourselves that the
Lord is still watching out for us and guiding us through troubling times. With Him as our guide,
we have no need to fear any evil. Perhaps our bigger challenge is accepting what life may bring
our way, remaining focused on David’s goal —dwelling in the house of the Lord forever! Sooner
or later, I pray that we all will share David’s goal in life. ~P. Mowrer
On a Personal Note:
I do want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers, words of comfort and
encouragement, and meals shared. Many of you sent texts, emails and made phone calls to Cathy
and me during this month long journey. During one particular visit, a social worker visited with
us to check on our “support” group. Yes, we have a great support group! Thank you. We will
continue visits from time to time to be sure the cancer has not returned, but for now, we are free
and clear. Thank you for the love you shared during our “dark” valley.