


I have had this song on my mind since singing it Sunday evening for worship (thanks
Philip!). It is a beautiful song with wonderful words. I do have to admit that my thoughts turn to
the words in the chorus more often than to the words that make up the verses. I think some of
that is due to the aging process.
Roll back the curtain of memory now and then;
Show me where You brought me from, and where I could have been;
Remember I’m human, and humans forget;
So remind me, remind me, dear Lord.
But how does God remind us of our weaknesses and our ever present need of Him and His
greatness and goodness? He reminds us as we turn the pages of His Word, as we read of His care
of the many who have gone before us (e.g., Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, etc.). God reminds
us as we remember His Son while taking the Lord’s Supper each and every Sunday. A reminder
that without Jesus, we have no hope. God reminds us as we come together for Bible study and
worship each week. And God reminds us as we view His creation every day and night. What an
awesome God we serve!
But is it possible we miss the “reminders” God gives because we fail to take advantage of
our Bible study and worship together? Is it possible that we miss His “reminders” because we fill
each minute of each day so that we fail to see the wonders of His creation? Oh, I know, we are in
the middle of His creation, but do we truly see it as His power displayed, or more for our own
Nothing good have I done to deserve God’s own Son;
I’m not worthy of the scars in His hands.
Yet He chose the road to Calvary to die in my stead;
Why He loved me, I can’t understand.
These are the words we often miss, but the very words which should bring us to our knees as
we think of God’s wonderful love for you and me. Yes, Lord, remind me that I’m human and
that I need you in every way and in everyday! ~P. Mowrer