


Maybe you played “follow the leader” as a child. Or, maybe your kids or grandchildren have
played the game. Either way, I’m sure everyone is familiar with the game and its simple concept.
That simple concept is one that we need to adopt and adhere to today.
Leaders are a blessing and we need good godly leaders. But what’s the point, if we don’t do
our part and follow them? Leaders are an essential part of everyday life, especially in the Lord’s
church. Churches with strong leaders are healthy and usually vision minded. Our spiritual leaders
watch out for our souls and strive to lead us into a closer walk with God. Spiritual leaders
educate us in the Scriptures and show us how to live as God’s holy people. At times spiritual
leaders are called on to help with guidance and problem solving for members of their flock.
Often those problems never become congregational issues because of the wisdom of the men
who lead us. Some Christians fail to realize the many hours spiritual leaders log. Make their job
easier by following them.
“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who
will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable
for you” (Heb. 13:17).

Chuck Ball Minister,
Cabot church of Christ Cabot, AR
On a personal note, I am thankful for our elders and their concern for the welfare of the saints
who meet in Monticello. We need to be reminded from time to time the importance of their work
and know that it is a God-given role in the Lord’s church (Acts 20:28). I know that they would
cherish your prayers each day as they shepherd God’s sheep. May we respect, honor and follow
their lead! ~P. Mowrer